– At Cannabis Engineering & Compliance, we specialize in working with established and start-up marijuana and hemp producers make good choices and avoid costly mistakes. As the industry has grown, so has the number of equipment manufacturers. Given the wealth of choices and the fact that equipment is a major part of your start-up or expansion costs, you need to get it right the first time. We can help. Our cannabis engineers can identify equipment that is code-compliant, compatible with your chosen solvents, and more likely to pass muster with your local fire marshal, and will help control future costs by using energy efficiently. We have folks on staff who happily geek out on C1D1, solvents and their recovery, and reading building and fire codes just because they enjoy it. From the moment you start working with us, CE+C is there for you. Our engineers will advise you on cannabis extraction equipment and much more. We treat your facilities as holistic systems and make sure everything works together. Our services include helping you make informed decisions on solvents, cannabis extraction facility equipment, using HVAC to create a perfect grow environment, and meeting all regulatory requirements that apply to your facility.

Could you use this kind of dedication and knowledge? Tell us about your business and where you want to go. We’ll tell you how we can help you get there. Call us today!

Cannabis Engineering & Compliance (CE+C)
Phone: 206.385.3417