– Salt Solutions is your premier source for CFA Level 1 study materials and resources to help you in your CFA exam preparation process. Our materials include simplified explanations of the various CFA topics, as well as online manuals, video lessons, a question bank for each level of the CFA exam, mock exams, quizzes, and more. Using our learning tools, you can effectively prepare for each CFA exam and earn your charter. Access everything you need to pass Level 1 for free, including mock exams that cover topics and features that are modeled after the actual Level 1 exam. We utilize experienced charterholders and a diverse team of content creators, educators, designers, creatives, multimedia engineers, developers, and others to craft our CFA learning solutions and resources. The materials and question banks we have developed are designed to keep your attention with easily consumable 10- to 15-minute chunks of information.

To learn more about the free CFA Level 1 study materials and support we offer, including CFA Level 1 sample questions, complete our contact form or open an account to begin your Level 1 exam prep.