– At JenTer Technologies, we are your dependable source among silicone rubber heater manufacturers for the flexible heaters you need to meet the requirements of your applications. When it comes to heaters, many of us will find ourselves choosing between the popular options of flexible aluminum foil heaters, polyimide heaters, and silicone rubber heaters. But silicone rubber heaters do come with their unique advantages. If you need extremely high thermal ramp-up, you may find that the thickness of silicone rubber can delay thermal transfer and polyimide or aluminum foil heaters could be a preferable option. Whichever type of heater you opt for, it’s good to know that we have a solid reputation of meeting the needs of both commercial and industrial customers and have been providing top quality customer service for decades. So, if you have any questions about our silicone rubber heaters, don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us!

Jen-Ter Wire & Element Inc.
115 Industrial Drive, Fox Lake, WI
Phone: 920-928-2022
FAX: 920-928-2023
